
“Locked Apart: Kiya” is a short film and photographs that demonstrate the unintended consequences that can quickly impact children when their parents are incarcerated for long periods of time. Kiya’s father is imprisoned with a lengthy sentence at State Correctional Institute – Graterford, about an hour away from Kiya’s hometown of Philadelphia. Because her mother is unable to care for Kiya, she was placed with a foster family where she was thriving at home and at school. However, when Kiya’s father asked for her to be moved, Kiya was shunted to several different foster care situations, changing families and schools repeatedly. Kiya was able to spend quality time with her father when she participated in the Fathers and Children Together (FACT) program that brings children to SCI-Graterford each week for 8 weeks. However, the only thing certain about Kiya’s future is that she remains separated from her father and mother for the foreseeable future.

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